The CSE® series are liquid cement deactivators that are used to produce decorative concrete surfaces with exposed filler texture. Deactivators are presented in 11 various versions and differ in washout depth - from 0.3 to 6 mm. Selection of a suitable deactivator can выполнить в зависимости от фракции камня, применяемого в производственном процессе, ориентируясь на таблицу, представленную ниже, либо обратиться to our technical support by phone88005005982
Deactivators are used in the production of:
precast concrete elements: bench panels, steps, columns;
artificial stone
paving stones, paving slabs, bricks, fence and other blocks, columns
poured concrete to create a decorative sidewalk, pedestrian and entrance areas
small architectural forms (vases, urns, benches, figures)
Table of existing types of deactivators CSE
Деактиваторы применяются при производстве:
пешеходных и подъездных зон, парковок, тротуаров
элементов из сборного железобетона: стендовых панелей, ступеней, колонн;
искусственного камня
брусчатки, тротуарной плитки, кирпичей, заборных и прочих блоков, колонн
литьевого бетона для создания декоративного тротуара, пешеходных и въездных зон
малых архитектурных форм (вазонов, урн, скамеек, фигур)
Если вы хотите научиться, создавать напольные покрытия в технологии Бетон с обнаженным наполнителем, то приглашаем вас принять участие в одном из регулярных мастер-классов школы бетона ВТС, где участники и мастера из разных стран и городов вместе обучаются технике и реализуют реальные проекты из архитектурного бетона.
Product Features:
four versions:
solvent based (PRO version)
water-based (NOVA version)
water-based (SOLOTOP version)
water-based (MULTITOP version)
the presence of highly effective ingredients
high resistance to abrasion during pouring and vibration
fast drying
convenient color coding
reliable predictable result
easy to spray and apply
highly efficient material consumption
comes in volume 0.5/0.75/20.0kg
suitable for application on molds ("positive" method) as well as for application on fresh concrete surfaces ("negative" method)
low consumption and therefore low cost per sq. m
suitable for processing both horizontal andsurfaces
11 different types for different penetration depth
uniform coverage and ease of use
suitable for all kinds of molds (metal, composite, silicone, polyurethane, etc.)
easily and quickly removed from forms
instant action
Interesting fact
Фактура Питерский гранит
Фактура Бело-Черный мрамор
Фактура Серый мрамор
Фактура Питерский гранит
The best way to master the production technology of exposed aggregate concrete is to passeducationand bypass the risks associated with the costs of substandard products, which are inevitable when starting a new production line.
We invite you to St. Petersburg to our experimental site, where in within the master class you can get complete information about the technological process, data on the market situation in Russia and the CIS, ask questions you are interested in and determine the prospects this production project before a decision is made to launch it.
Find out more about the available master class programs by phone88005005982or write to usinfo@betontech.club.